theoneminutes belgianopen
competition and awards
thursday october 2018
Although open to all filmmakers worldwide, the Belgianopen particularly calls for entries from the ELIA art schools.
Awards will be granted in each of these categories:
1. art
2. narrative
3. documentary
4. animation
5. (self)portrait
6. visual effects
10 entries will be nominated per category. Choose only one category per film but enter as many films as you wish. Nominees will be notified through mail.
Send a good quality of the master plus an application form to: theoneminutes belgianopen, Academiestraat 2, B 9000 Gent, Belgium.
All entries must be of broadcast quality. We prefer to receive a DV quality (Quicktime PAL, 720×576-48 kHz) on data DVD or CD, but you can also sent a tape. Your entry must start with at least 15 seconds of black before the one minute begins. By following this link you will find some information about the short movie competition.
While every effort is made to treat submissions with care, The One Minutes foundation is not responsible for any loss or damage. If you want your work to be returned please include a stamped self addressed envelope. We will start returning the tapes around January. If you want to discover more, feel free to contact us.